
Finding Yourself some Great Podcasts — 7 Comments

  1. I have immersion MP3 player (two actually), but mostly have anime audio on it, plus some songs. As I’m still at a low level, I try to find things that I can watch/listen to first to get an understanding of it. That allows me to listen to it later and visualize the scenes in my mind. Unfortunately, this means I tend to use subtitles the first time through, but then that’s it.

    I look forward to the day that I can watch/listen without ever using subtitles, but my journey through Japanese is very slow.

    • I use audio from videos I’ve watched and audiobooks of books I’ve read when I want something to actively listen to, but when I’m doing other things and just need some background noise for passive listening, I turn on a podcast. I imagine that will change as I begin to understand more of the language, though.

  2. I absolutely agree, podcasts are great! Though since I’m also in the “can’t understand much spoken Japanese” boat I tend to look for podcasts with pleasant voices. I’ve subscribed to some on Nuriko’s list, a few others I’ve found are:

    杏のAnytime Andante. Short-ish monologues by a woman on a wide variety of topics, from shonen manga to winter sports.

    Sound Library. A woman with a lovely, gentle voice tells lovely, gentle stories. The topics seems to be everyday-life sorts of things (though, for all I know she could be talking about how much she likes punching puppies…)

    Music Hyper Market. This seems to primarily be about promoting certain artists, each episode will feature a couple of short excerpts and occasionally they’ll do a countdown, although I have no idea what list they’re counting down from. The music tends to fit broadly into the “pop” category, although some is jazzier, some slightly heavier rock, etc. Mostly however the show is the navigators chatting about various things. The male navigator, Sascha, is apparently fluent in German and English as well as Japanese. He also does a killer Yoda impersonation, although this doesn’t come up often. Anyway, I really like this one just for how much fun they always seem to be having.

    Not strictly a podcast, but I like Nakajima Megumi’s シンカロン youtube-cast. It’s primarily promotion for her albums but that’s fine by me (I’d actually purchased several of the anime themes she’s done before I realized they were all by the same person!)

    Finally, for any AKB48 fans, Tomomi Kasai and Tomomi Itano had a podcast called ともとものヤギさん、おいで~♪. Most episodes contain some chatting, reading and responding to a few fan letters, and a short comedy skit. The last episode was in 2010, but the RSS feed is still up, and so far as I can tell all the MP3s are as well.

    • Thank you for sharing the resources! I find it’s really hard to find Japanese podcasts that are not for Japanese learners.

  3. 虚構新聞ニュース
    This podcast is not for beginners, but it is entertaining.
    It’s kind of like a Japanese version of The Onion, though with less social commentary and more stupid jokes and puns.

  4. Sound Libary is fantastic! I have listened to four of the stories so far and it is quite soothing. I am only half-listening, as it is background sound while I work, but I pick out the odd word, sentence or context and find it to be easy to listen to and to understand (what little I do pick up with my limited Japanese comprehension thus far). Recommended. ^^

  5. I really want to give 「今日の猫ちゃん」 a shot as it sounds amazing (and I quote: The creator is a man who turns the diary he wrote about his cats into miniature little dramas), but it seems to have disappeared from the internet.

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