
Speak like a Japanese Person — 13 Comments

  1. I notice my pronunciation is loads better if I don’t try to sound like me trying to speak Japanese. If I pretend I’m speaking as say, a grouchy old man or a drunken pervert, it sounds much more authentic.

    I haven’t been able to incorporate the rolling R’s into sentences though. That’s like next level pronunciation.

  2. 悪癖といえば、私は早く喋れば喋るほど発音はますます悪くなるのから、ゆっくり喋れないとね!それ以外、日本語で歌うときは発音がアメリカ人っぽくなることがある。(特に母音の音が)

  3. I always forget to speak slowly. I speak really quickly in English as well, but in both languages it leads to me saying stuff that I haven’t thought out (because I’m basically not thinking at all before letting the words come out), and in Japanese I end up tripping up over words a lot.
    I think in some ways because I know that my pronunciation isn’t the best (it’s not horrendous, but I gave up working on it after living in Japan for a while and realising that it wasn’t really a priority for me) so I subconsciously try to speak quickly to prove that my Japanese is actually good…
    So thanks for the reminder!

    • Slowing down my talk was one of the hardest things I had to work with over the years. And as you said, speaking slower not only sounds better, but it makes you less likely to fumble over what you are trying to say.

  4. 私の発音はちょっと上手です。日本語のビデオをよくシャードーしていますから。でも、もっと練習が必要です。超楽しかったよ!

    • ありがとう! シャドーイングの練習を頑張ってください ^^ より良い発音が身につく。

  5. 最近のビデオが好きになっちゃった

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