
Why it’s so Hard to Decide How to Study Japanese — 4 Comments

  1. Your comment on how one negative comment can ruin your entire opinion on something rings very true to me. If I see a couple very bad reviews on an Amazon item (even if there are a massive amount of positive reviews) I’ll often decide against buying it.

    When I first saw this site, like everything else I was skeptical. What made me buy the first deck was the excellent past articles that helped me a lot. But the first deck wasn’t enough to truly hold me if I were to come across a bunch of negative comments(which, thankfully, I never did). What held me and made me decide with no chance of going back was the revolutionary intermediate deck. Once I moved past the first quarter of the deck I was fully convinced this was the best method for me and was unique. It took 5 years mostly waisted to find it! 5 years of information sifting and other garbage methods. Anyways, 2 years later I consider it the best learning decision I ever made in my life. It’s even helped me with learning another subject.

    As for how I navigated, 5 years of floundering and then I found Jalup and it proved itself to me. That’s all there is to it.

    • You can actually really be enjoying a method for a long time, read something negative about it, and then start to second guess yourself. The dangers of negativity :P

      Don’t worry, your 5 years weren’t wasted. They were spent well finally getting to the method that you found would work best for you.

      In a series of upcoming Adam & Yuki show episodes, we talk about all the “wasted” time I spent going through a mountain of different textbooks.

  2. I definitely feel this. I’m using the Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Course (+Anki deck) and it’s pretty good but sometimes I feel like I’m missing out because I’m not using RTK or WaniKani or Kanji Kingdom. But hey, it doesn’t matter how you get there as long as everyone ends up in the same place at the end ;p

    • If you are enjoying the Kondasha Kanji course and are satisfied with your improvement, then don’t worry about “greener pastures.” There’s always going to be something that you think might be better but it’s not worth thinking about if you are happy with where you are.

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